Penalties and fines for doing graffiti in Melbourne

by Yair Frid, onUncategorized , May 26, 2013

The maximum penalty for an offender is sentenced to 2 years in prison and a maximum penalty of $24,000. Up to now, the best strategy is to remove graffiti as soon as it appears, to prevent it from spreading. In the long term we expect all these strategies together with citizen participation will permanently eradicate […]

The maximum penalty for an offender is sentenced to 2 years in prison and a maximum penalty of $24,000.

Up to now, the best strategy is to remove graffiti as soon as it appears, to prevent it from spreading. In the long term we expect all these strategies together with citizen participation will permanently eradicate the graffiti problem. Meanwhile, if you’ve been the victim of a graffiti attack, don’t hesitate to call us. We remind you that we offer free quotes and no obligation. All our work is guaranteed and we offer fast service at a very competitive price.

Graffiti attacks are increasingly common in Melbourne. Practically, there is not an area of the city that is free of graffiti.

Attacking a property with graffiti is simple and the materials to make them are cheap: paint, paint spays, markers and crayons. However, removing them can be difficult and expensive, making it more irresistible for attackers.

Most of the time, the sole purpose of graffiti is vandalism. That’s why the attackers usually choose to attack highly visible properties. Another type of vandals are those who make graffiti with recreational purposes, for them almost anywhere is good to expose their “art”. However, people who have reasons to damage third- party property, they choose specific areas to show their anger.

In Melbourne, there are many sites that are constantly attacked by graffiti. The most affected areas are spaces and public property. Usually they are bus stops, posts, billboards, train stations, alleys, public transportation and parks. Some choose these areas to attract more attention, whereas others do it for the excitement caused by doing it in high risk areas where being caught in the act poses a threat.

The authorities of each state are implementing various programs for eradicating vandalism, especially graffiti.